Content Creation System for Free

Business, Productivity

In Systematizing Your Biz and Getting Your Energy Back I talked about using Canva to house my Content Creation System in #4. Oh, and I still have the free version of Canva so no excuses, let’s do this!

You can easily create a content creation system for free using the free version of Canva. As long as you know the purpose strategy behind your content, you can set it up in less than 30 minutes.

Creating content doesn’t have to be complicated and if you take 30 minutes to set the system up, you’ll save hours in the future and a ton of frustration.

Here’s my tutorial….


1.  Log into your free Canva account (desktop or mobile app)

2.  Click on “Your Projects”

3.  Click the 3 dots at the top right (in your app)

4.  Click “New Folder”

5.  Name the New Folder “Posts” (you’re allowed 2 folders in the free Canva accounts, my second folder I named “Reels/Stories”)



1.  Cleck “Create Design”

2.  Enter size 1080 x 1350 px

3.  Add a shape to the design (circle, square, heart, hexagon, whatever you please) and duplicate to the number of brand colors you have

4.  Change each shape to one of your brand colors so that this cover page becomes your color guide as well.

5. Add large font, centered of page, titling this design under a “Purpose” within your content strategy. (teaching, validating, recommending, pitching, social proof, etc).

6. Be sure to use your brand fonts.


1.  Now you can continue adding pages to this design (and download just the pages you want at a time) with all your brand colors and variations. 

2.  Use Canva Templates or use them to get ideas to make your own. 

3.  Test which designs perform well, keeping those templates and discarding others, until you have 5-10 go-to templates/designs that work well with your brand while serving your audience

PRO TIP: you can name the pages individually to make organizing your downloads easier and searching the “templates”. i.e., 3 tips 1/5 pgs, 3 tips 2/5 pgs, etc. or case study 1/8 pgs, case study 2/8 pgs, etc.

Like I said in Systematizing Your Biz to Get Your Energy Back,  setting up systems will take some time (and energy) up front to get things set up, test, evaluate, and adjust, BUT the reward later will be so worth it!

Systems are kind of like hitting the ‘go’ button when you have no motivation or the mental desire to do things. Those days when you don’t ‘feel’ like doing anything or ‘it’s pointless’ because you’re doing a lot of work upfront and not tasting much reward yet, that’s when systems kick in to save your hind end and keep you building for the future… even on low energy, high brain fog days.

Alright that’s all for now! Chat soon and God bless!