Tools for Spoonie Entrepreneurs

Tools for Spoonie Entrepreneurs

Simplicity is key….but so are some really dang good tools that help you run your business well despite chronic conditions! And for that benefit, a little extra on the sparkles go a long way! There are a few foundational tools every entrepreneur needs to run a...
Content Creation System for Free

Content Creation System for Free

In Systematizing Your Biz and Getting Your Energy Back I talked about using Canva to house my Content Creation System in #4. Oh, and I still have the free version of Canva so no excuses, let’s do this! You can easily create a content creation system for free...
Mastering Your to-do List: Productivity Despite Illness

Mastering Your to-do List: Productivity Despite Illness

Mastering Your to-do List: Productivity Despite Illness   My to-do list and productivity looks different than before the onset of my chronic conditions. I give myself a lot more grace and rest than I used to, but I still have my ‘healthy’ friends asking me “How...
Tracking Flare Ups in Your Planner

Tracking Flare Ups in Your Planner

Tracking Flare Ups in Your Planner I first started creating my own trackers 8 years ago while looking for correlations of symptom flare ups with foods, exercises, chores, and activities. Since then it has evolved as I’ve made packs for others and taken in their...